

Check with store for avaliabilty of different colours as stock can vary

Metallic Blue Wax and Clear Water

Metallic Blue Wax and Clear Water


White Wax and Blue Water


Yellow Wax and Blue water


Gold Wax and Clear water

Metallic Pink Wax and Clear water

Metallic Pink Wax and Clear water

Metallic Purple Wax and Clear water

Metallic Purple Wax and Clear water

White Wax and Pink water

White Wax and Pink water

Red Wax and Blue water

Red Wax and Blue water

Red Wax and Purple water

Red Wax and Purple water

Red Wax and Yellow water

Gold Wax and Clear water

Silver Wax and Clear water

Silver Wax and Clear water

Blue Glitter Lamp

Blue Glitter Lamp

Pink Glitter Lamp

Pink Glitter Lamp

Night Lights



Rainbow Unicorn

Rainbow Unicorn

Visit us in store for our complete range of lighting and accessories.
We are in the Moore Park Supa Centre.

Opening Hours